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What is the Emotion Engine
13 years ago
The Emotion Engine is an attempt at classifying songs using non-calculable data.
Whereas we can classify songs using it's metadata (amount of comments, styles, likes, ...) we have no way of using it's actual content.
This is where the Emotion Engine kicks in.
When you add (or edit), you song on the site, you can enable the Emotion Engine.
You'll be presented with 3 sliders.
One is the Polarity , another the Emotion, and the last one is speed.
You basically adjust them to what seems the more correct in regard to your song.
Using those values, our Emotion Engine will then calculate a color for your song. You can see that color on the Muzik Page and on the detail of your song.
Putting a color on your song allows our Recommendation engine to find similar songs based on content and not on simple stats.
Putting "random" data in the Emotion Engine will make your track appear as a suggestion for tracks that obviously don't match, meaning it'll get heard, but by probably not the right audience, usually resulting in negative votes.
Why must I fill in a proper description for a song ?
14 years ago
Many new users coming here on the site are often irritated when they see their first songs rejected because of an empty or incomplete description.
I will try to enlighten you to our ways.
1/ The description is a written description of your song. It helps listeners visualize what your intentions are. If you have lyrics in the song, put them there.
2/ The description can help listeners understand some of the choices you made
3/ You don't talk about FightClub
4/ The description is a great way for you to put keywords on your song ! The Electrobel Search Engine uses those ! Also google and other search engines will be able to show your page when people search for those keywords.
So where do people see my description ?
1/ On the song's page
2/ In the Electrobel player
3/ On Facebook when your song is validated (And if you allowed Ebel to post your songs on your wall)
4/ On Facebook when people used the SHARE link, or just copy/pasted your song
5/ On the Electrobel embedded flash player for myspace or other html site
6/ On Google or other search Engine's results page.
As you can see filling your description is really in your best interest.
But all arguments aside, filling in a good description is a way of showing your involvement in the song you made. That it wasn't some auto-generated piece of garbage, but something you put your soul and thoughts into .
I will try to enlighten you to our ways.
1/ The description is a written description of your song. It helps listeners visualize what your intentions are. If you have lyrics in the song, put them there.
2/ The description can help listeners understand some of the choices you made
3/ You don't talk about FightClub
4/ The description is a great way for you to put keywords on your song ! The Electrobel Search Engine uses those ! Also google and other search engines will be able to show your page when people search for those keywords.
So where do people see my description ?
1/ On the song's page
2/ In the Electrobel player
3/ On Facebook when your song is validated (And if you allowed Ebel to post your songs on your wall)
4/ On Facebook when people used the SHARE link, or just copy/pasted your song
5/ On the Electrobel embedded flash player for myspace or other html site
6/ On Google or other search Engine's results page.
As you can see filling your description is really in your best interest.
But all arguments aside, filling in a good description is a way of showing your involvement in the song you made. That it wasn't some auto-generated piece of garbage, but something you put your soul and thoughts into .