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garfunkell - Bad Attitude - around the deep house -
Hi guysWell, this song is part of my \"secret-illegal-arsenal\": not a proper \"song\" though, but most likely a transition tool that I made time ago, in order to switch a classic house song with a timo maas\' one. This mp3 contains a strings sample brought out from a Daft Punk live in the 1999. Thank you hope you enjoy!
garfunkell top 5:
ebel radio skit (djlux) -
The Breath -
Caffee Delight -
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felixjd800 [it] - 17 years ago
SonicBlue [it] - 17 years ago
IceSun [it] - 17 years ago
LSD25 [it] - 17 years ago
Giuro che dopo un po' che ho ascoltato ho fatto "che figata, sembrano i daft punk" e poi ho letto il tuo commento XD
garfunkell [it] - 17 years ago
transynth [be] - 17 years ago
Only suggestion is to give the bassline more groove, well made housy shufflle track!
italiancast [it] - 17 years ago
Scusami ma il vocalist sei tu?
xxxleonxxx [it] - 17 years ago
ammiro molto le tue produzioni.
garfunkell [it] - 17 years ago
transynth [be] - 17 years ago
Andrewdaprile [it] - 17 years ago
jasonjason [it] - 17 years ago
LOVEPHONIC [it] - 16 years ago